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2018-03-07 来源:思润教育



  In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?


  Education has always been the top priority for most parents with kids, no matter if they want their children to “add another gem on their famile’s crown” or simply expect for the kids a wonderful life. Many choose to send children to school at a proper age, but in recent years an increasing number of parents have started to educate their children themselves. I personally welcome this change. The strength of this approach, for sure, outweighs the threats. I shall elaborate my contention in two aspects.

  Family education, we might call it, creates a better environment for the kids to develop their creativity. Creativity is a process through which people combines their knowledge to produce something that has value. This kind of activity more often than not comes from the connection of their routinely recited or memorized knowledge. Regular schooling could help kids accumulate the basic knowledge. However it often fails to further stimulate kids to create something useful. My nephew is 7 years old. He likes painting. But one day I found that one of his pictures was torn apart into pieces by his art teacher. The reason was that he draw a picture of “angel”. The teacher blamed him for “not drawing properly” because “angels shouldn’t look like that”. That actually provoked me because this is killing their creativity. My sister then found the teacher and made her apologize for what she had done to my nephew. Fortunately, his creativity and self-awareness is well protected.

  On top of that, parents nowadays are more capable of teaching their kids on their own. The so-called “academic inflation”, which means that more people are having a bachelor or even master degree, has equipped many couples the ability to help their kids recognize and intake everything around them. So the basis of this education is solid enough. Back to my nephew’s story. My sister is a senior data analyst in an investment bank; her husband is a senior software engineer in a big IT company. They share a large study room in their apartment before they had my nephew. The book and DVD collection are amazing. So if they get to teach my nephew, they don’t have to force him to attend any kind of those classes. They only have to turn on the TV or open a book, get my nephew watch some documentaries or cartoons, and he would learn way more than what he could get from those classes.

  I bet many people would say “leave it to the pros”, but who is to define “pro” anyway? The key issue to this comparison is how well the educator know about the kid. Yeah, some teachers are professional, but if they are stubborn or stereotype enough to reject what kids think or say about their “beloved” theories, I would rather let those kids boycott the kind of class back. Some kids are meat to sit down and read, others might have to move to think. Therefore, in this case, parents should be the best instructor, because they know about their children and naturally how to guide them. In conclusion, the core of education is to arm our next generation for the upcoming future. Schools focus on training kids who obey the rules, but if parents expect their kids to be even smarter and more creative, family education at an early period of children’s live would be better.





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